As a medical device manufacturer, it has always been a matter for us at Ritex to produce the best possible quality with the highest safety and tolerability for our users. We firmly believe that manufacturing our products in Germany is an essential part of achieving this best possible quality.

From our point of view, however, Made in Germany today means much more than "just" the best possible product quality: it stands for sustainability in economic, ecological and social terms. We want to contribute to ensuring that future generations also have an economically secure and generally liveable environment. For this reason, our decisions have been following  these guidelines for many years:

Company Guidelines

1. Qualitative responsibility

The highest priority is the user safety of our products. All products that leave our company should, when used correctly, fulfil their medical purpose safely and at the same time offer the best possible compatibility for users.
Every employee at Ritex has the right and the duty to report immediately any circumstances which, at any stage of the product development, are or could be contrary to the fulfilment of the required quality standards and to insist on an examination of the facts and, if necessary, elimination of the adverse circumstances.

2. Economic responsibility

In order to fulfil the qualitative responsibility, the company must be oriented towards the long term, which results in the necessity of the economic success of the company. All investments and expenditures should be examined to see whether they conflict with the goal of the company's long-term existence. In case of doubt, the decision should be chosen which has the lowest risk of endangering the existence of the company.

3. Environmental responsibility

All resources used at Ritex should be used as efficiently and ecologically as possible. The avoidance of waste is the top priority. All resources used should be checked to see whether an ecologically more favourable variant exists. The ecologically more favourable variant should be chosen regularly, provided that this decision does not contradict the first or second guideline.

4. Social responsibility

Ritex complies with all labour law conditions applicable in Germany and also endeavours to provide all employees with a pleasant workplace, fair remuneration and flexible working hours. Ritex also supports regional and supra-regional projects that promote general education, particularly with regard to sexual education and infection prophylaxis, or social coexistence in general.


And especially for wild bees! On our company premises, we are planting a meadow with scattered fruit that serves as a bee meadow. In our annual cooperation with the german registered association NABU e.V. (meaning: Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union Germany e.V.), we support with a donation and are also creating awarenss for our evironment by counting the insects on our meadow. Join us as we work bit by bit to improve the environment!